Thursday, 11 February 2010

high maintenance maintenance?

i've had a really tough week this week- largely due to some health issues coinciding with son's 3rd birthday and people visiting so i'm a little all over the place. D discussed this with me last night and has taken the decision to 'tighten the reigns' which i am now realising is very much what i need. He's going to introduce what i'm going to describe as 'protocols' for certain things about my behaviour and interaction with Him- this is partly to help me receive regular reminders of His control (i think the idea He's working on is things that will be spaced out through our normal daily routines) and also to work on improving the way we interact outside of sex play. We're going to establish details at our Friday 'maintenance meeting'. He also mentioned reward charts and denial of privileges as punishment- eek!

i am so very thankful for this but can't help wondering if the need for regular reminders etc. makes me a high-maintenance sub? What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think you guys are new at this and you need to try different things on for size to see if they fit.

    I don't think it makes you high-maintenance.

